Monday, February 7, 2011

Robot - AIBO

AIBO was one of several types of robotic pets designed and manufactured by Sony. There have been several different models since their introduction on May 11, 1999 although AIBO was discontinued in 2006. AIBO is able to walk, "see" its environment via camera and recognize spoken commands in Spanish and English. AIBO robotic pets are considered to be autonomous robots since they are able to learn and mature based on external stimuli from their owner, their environment and from other AIBOs.
source : Wikipedia

I'm really sad that AIBO was discontinued, I wanted one the first time that I saw it ! Well, seems that if I want a dog, I will have to get a real one and feed it, train it, go take a walk with it, clean it...

AIBO in action

Learn more
Wikipedia - AIBO

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