Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Movie - Terminator

One of the best known robot, the T-800 (the Terminator) first appeared in The Terminator, a 1984 american film. The Terminator is a killing robot. In the first movie, his target was Sarah Connor, but in the sequels, he has been reprogrammed to protect Sarah Connor and John Connor (her son).

My favorite movie of the Terminator sequel is Terminator 2: Judgment Day from 1991. It's full of guns, death people, great special effects and memorable quotes. The T-800 quotes are still in use today and will be... FOREVER !

Famous Quotes

The Terminator: I need your clothes, boots and your motorcycle.
Cigar Biker: You forgot to say please...

The Terminator: Come with me if you want to live!

John Connor: No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don't say "affirmative," or some shit like that. You say "no problemo." And if someone comes on to you with an attitude you say "eat me." And if you want to shine them on it's "hasta la vista, baby."
The Terminator: Hasta la vista, baby.
John Connor: Yeah but later, dickwad. And if someone gets upset you say, "chill out"! Or you can do combinations.
The Terminator: Chill out, dickwad.
John Connor: Great! See, you're getting it!
The Terminator: No problemo.

The Terminator: Why do you cry?
John Connor: You mean people?
The Terminator: Yes.
John Connor: I dont' know. We just cry. You know, when it hurts.
The Terminator: Pain causes it?
John Connor: No, it's when there's nothing wrong with you, but you hurt anyway. You get it?
The Terminator: No.

John Connor: You just can't go around killing people.
The Terminator: Why?
John Connor: What do you mean why? 'Cause you can't.
The Terminator: Why?
John Connor: Because you just can't, OK? Trust me on this.

The Terminator: Stay here, I'll be back.

The Terminator: Hasta la vista, baby.


Learn more
Wikipedia - Terminator (character)
IMDb - Terminator 2

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