Monday, January 31, 2011


Hi people !

Welcome on my blog Kick Ass Robots. I created that blog to show to my friends (and the WORLD) that robots are interesting and also fascinating ! From books and movies were born epic robots stories and the possibilty of a future populated by them. Ethics questions started to raise: What life is? What makes the differences between humans and robots ? What is the place of advanced robots in our society ? Are robots better than humans ? etc. Those robots are closer to your future than you think. Technologies are progressing so fast that everything become possible. Through my personal opinions, this blog is to introduce some real and fictional robots that may surprise, interest or shock you. Take time to reflect and build your own opinion.

One thing is sure, this blog will show you some Kick Ass Robots !


P.S As my first language is French, I apologize for any grammar mistakes...